Rotary Club of Bali Seminyak

Grant Title – Otonomi Program/Water

Global Grant Record – GG1527393

Status – Approved
District Number 3420 (Qualified)

This project is to provide clean water to as many villages as possible on the Island of Flores Indonesia.

Actually, the villagers do not have access to safe water. By providing them clean drinking water, we will help them to diminish water-borne diseases for all.

Therefore water access is a basic need for all the families in the villages. The water distribution network is planned to make sure that the distribution of water is fair for everybody. Water access is the first step in community development.


Project Goal

  • Providing equitable community access to safe water, improved sanitation and hygiene.
  • Strengthening the ability of communities to develop, fund and maintain sustainable water and sanitation systems.
  • Supporting programs that enhance communities’ awareness of the benefits of safe water, sanitation and hygiene.


Project Visit

Period: June 17-21, 2016

Rotarians  : Raphael Devianne, Tineke Indradjaya, Yuki

Friends of Rotarian: Elisabeth Ville and Claudine Ville

Visited Villages:


Bena Village 

Part of  Lekolodo; checked the facilities of the reservoir that was built next to the village for the school.

Woloroko Village

Manuraba Village

Confirming the usage of water from pipelines.

City of Riung;

Met with Gilles Raymond, with regards to progress of the project in each villages and confirmed payments and receipts were all made in accordance with budget and invoice.


Damu Village

Checked the pipes going from the spring/capturing (named Kabtering) to a tank (named BPT) where two pipes will supply water to villages of Damu and Ruki.

Checked the installation of the pipes and the construction of a reservoir of 15m3 named R-1. Meeting with the workers and the villagers.

Ruki Village

Checked the pipes and water tank installed in the village. We also met with the head of Ruki village to confirm the water deliverance.


City of Riung

Meeting with Gilles and technical team with regard to projects in Damu and Ruki. Confirmed all receipts of the two projects as below. Also discussed the payment for Village of Marotauk, which was in the list to start immediately.


Moni Village 

East part of Flores.