Seminyak, Bali
In 2004 before the project started, PP Sarita Kaul and CP T. Patrick van Kampen, visited a number of elementary schools in the Seminyak area and spoke to their principals about the need for a ‘separate’ library room. The principals indicated that their schools DID NOT have any ‘formal’ libraries and confirmed that their students would greatly benefit from having this wonderful addition to their schools.
For this first project, the Seminyak Elementary Schools No. 1 & 2 were selected because they were physically located next to each other and could share one library. After a number of meetings, it was determined that approximately 3,500 volumes would eventually be purchased for the library which would serve two schools. The Indonesian reading materials would be recommended by the Badung County Public Library and Ms Elsa Mahardika of the Dyatmika School and then purchased by the Rotary Club of Bali Seminyak (RCBS).
The Library opened with 163 books in September 2005. Since that very important date, over 3,700 books (picture books, easy readers, and high-interest stories regarding the family, community and the sciences) have been purchased and/or donated by the RCBS, Club members, the Pondok Baca Project (www.pondokbaca-foundation.org), visiting Rotarians and visitors from around the world (see list of donors below).
In 2009, Rotarians Dr. Peter and Ruth Little on behalf of the RC of Rosanna Melbourne very generously donated Rp. 8,000,000 to purchase a new computer for the library, so that all the materials could be systematically recorded and categorized. In addition, Rtns. Peter & Ruth understood that training a part-time librarian was crucial to this project, so they personally donated Rp. 2,400,000 to help assist with the ongoing training program (left: PP Urs Klee is shown receiving the Computer from Rtns. Peter & Ruth).
For these important gifts to the library, the RCBS would like to extend a very special THANK YOU to Rtns. Peter and Ruth Little for their true Rotarian SPIRIT.
CP Patrick, 2009-2010 Treasurer Peter Erni and President Patricia Jamieson shown delivering the computer to part-time Librarian Ibu Desak and School Principal Ibu Kompiang.
Since the opening of the Library, which has fostered an opportunity to access quality books, the teachers have been very excited that their students are now, more than ever, learning to love reading, improving their literacy rates and improving their study skills.
For additional information about this project or to make a donation, please contact CP Patrick or PP Sarita today.
Books purchased/donated to the Seminyak Elementary School Library
Last updated – 1 June 2010