Parents Putu and Prita from Denpasar, Bali have been hit, like many others, by the pandemic and economic downturn when Putu lost his job almost one and half years ago from a Seminyak resort.
This year, Putu and his wife Prita became parents to Ni Putu Sri Laksmi Dewi, born prematurely only weighting 1.9kg. Her organs were not yet fully formed and then, the baby suffered from a bacterial infection whereby her lungs became acutely inflamed. She is now in critical condition at the Sanglah in the NICU with severe shortness of breath.
Please see more information here:

Update 24 August 2021: menawhile Baby Putu could leave the emergency ward and is at home with her parents, her condition has improved significantly. RCBS thanks all members and supporters.